Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mommy Livi Time

Last weekend while Hannah was at her cheer clinic, me & Miss Liv got to spend a little bit of time together.  These times never come often enough, but whatever little time we can get in makes for a whole lot of memories.
 I loved every minute of it!

My ... what a cute lunch date I had!

We spent most of our afternoon, playing with dolls.  It was so much fun watching her dress and undress, pull the hair up and then comb down, talk about how smart the dolls look in their glasses, etc.  Olivia LOVES LOVES LOVES to pretend, and it was absolutely hilarious  watching her be mommy to her teenager (yep ... that is how old her doll was that day:))

I know we are already into the month of February, but if I were to make a New Year's Resolution ... it would be to spend more one on one time with each of my ladies.  They are fun to watch play together, but I also love watching their personalities pop when they are  alone.
Boy, do I love each of my little ladies!

1 comment:

Hayley said...

Such a doll! And what a good res to make. I think I should be making the same one...