It's official...I am 28 years old. My actual birthday was on the 4th aka Election Day. My little Nanner's loves to cook, and so with a tiny bit of assistance I let her bake me a cake. What a YUMMY cake she made too. It was yellow cake with chocolate frosting, and the decor consisted of lots and lots of colored sugar crystals. She was so proud of her complete project - I couldn't think of anything more that could have made my day!!
Hannah making me a cake was just the icing on the cake, many more things happened that day to make it GREAT. My mother-in-law was kind enough to watch the girls, so I could get some much needed grocery shopping done. Those of you who also have no choice but to shop with little tikes, know how much really gets done. So I just choose not to do it as often as I should. Thanks a bunch Victoria ... thanks to you we now have food in the cabinets.
Thanks to those of you who sent cards and gifts. And to Chiki and the girls, who gave me an allowance piggy bank for my much awaited girls trip sometime next year. I can't wait until the time comes for me to spend my "allowance." Ha ha and I will think of the 3 of you while I am spending it!!
Aren't birthdays great ... I can't wait for mine to roll around again next year!!
Kirsten you are just so pretty! You look fab at 28.
How cute is that cake!! I hope that everything was great on your birthday, which it looks like it was! It is also very cool you got a piggy bank to save for a girls trip! How fun!!
You are such an old fart! I will enjoy my 6 months more of being 27... P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
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