Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Officially A College Student

It's official people .... Chiki can finally say that he is a TRUE college student.  After many years of coaxing, he finally got us tickets to the big CU vs. CSU game. And of course, it was a great game because CU won. 

P.S.  All I have to say about that is ... since joining the pack 10 ... all you Oregon State Beaver fans (you know who you) ... you wood chucking mammals are going down.  

Mr. College Boy himself

Wait ... where's Waldo?  I really don't see him??


Clayton and Heidi said...

In additon to beating the Beavers would you please take down the Utah Utes as well!?! Seriously hate them.

Kera said...

sooo funny. patrick is being where's waldo for halloween.