Thursday, September 9, 2010

Just Dance

Olivia has had a lot of firsts this week.   Tuesday was her first day of preschool, and today was her first day of dance.  This poor little lady has been dying to start both, ever since she could comprehend all the things that her big sister was doing.   In other words, there was no shying away or shedding of tears on her part when it came to me leaving.  Liv, just jumped right into each activity like she was an old pro.  I am so excited for her, and can't wait to see her progress throughout the year, in both!

Here she is ... Little Miss Dancing Queen herself.  This little girl definitely knows how to move!

Here are the ladies are warming up.  Yep, that's right ... I said "ladies."  Hannah was so excited because Miss Jodi asked her to help with the class since she is an "old pro."  Afterwards, Hannah told me that today was the best day ever because she got to help teach dance.

Just wait people ... I am sure there will be many more pictures to come of these two dancing queens!!


The Falkers said...

You know how I love me some dancing! Way to start them off right ;-) They are adorable! I hope there are more photos to come!!!

Emilee said...

so cute! what is it about little girls all dressed up!

Kera said...

I need to get my girls in Dance or Gymnastics pretty soon here...

Girl Cam said...

LOL, I sooooo love those two! Sugerplum fairies here we come!!