Monday, December 20, 2010

One Fabulous Weekend

One Fabulous Weekend, is the only way to sum up this past week!  Not only did Chiki graduate from CU Boulder, but we had Olivia's preschool Christmas program, and the ladies Christmas dance recital.

Miss Liv singing her heart out at the Christmas program
 Taking a moment to pose with daddy while decorating cookies

Later that evening, the family arrived to help celebrate Chiki's graduation.  I just have to say that Chiki is absolutely amazing.  Not only did he work a full time job, help take care of a family, rarely get a summer vacation nor a weekend, but also had to worry about things that you can't even imagine, and keep me happy :).  All the while trying to maintain his sanity, while going to school.  I am so so so proud of my new Electrical Engineer!

Mr. Grad!
 The cheer squad
 The happy couple
 The party goers (doesn't Hannah look thrilled ha ha)

My sister Kim also graduated this past week.  Her school only has it's graduation services in the Spring, and she is choosing not to wait and walk.  So of course we had to include her in all the festivities!  We concocted this AWESOME cake of Kim & Chiki.  Look close ... absolutely hilarious!  Kim's head was put on a picture Cameron, when she graduated from college.  Chiki's picture ... well that is just a super hilarious story that if you want to know about ... ask us and we will fill you in. Ha ha ha ha, I can't help but laugh just thinking about it :)

We have so many cute pictures from this past week, but unfortunately I cannot post them all.  So, here are just a few more of my favorites:

Hannah was being a bugger when it came to having her pic taken all week, so we are lucky to have this one

Kids all tuckered out.  Having a sleepover and Gma & Gpa's hotel
 The "twins."  They wouldn't let each other out of sight

As for the ladies Christmas recital, apparently I have yet to download those pictures.  So stay tuned for those.

Thanks to all those, who helped celebrate this past week!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

A Weekend In Aspen

We got the opportunity to go to Aspen, for Chiki's work.  Since we were going to Montrose ( no pics because the cameraman forgot to take some) to spend Thanksgiving with his family, this worked out great since it would be on our way home anyway.  We were there Friday through Sunday, and got in lots of relaxation.  Our hotel was great, we got to watch a little bit of the World Cup for the women's downhill slalom, there were fireworks off the mountainside, the ladies got to play in the snow, we ate ice cream while sitting out by the fire (Liv's idea), and did about the only kid friendly activity there was to do ... make pizzas!

I am not really sure what planet the residents of Aspen, have come from because they are really out there.  But if you have yet to visit, I highly recommend going because the scenery is absolutely gorgeous!

How To Spend A Saturday Afternoon

How do you spend a cold, November saturday afternoon in Denver?  At the Nature & Science Museum of course

Calling Dr. Hannah & Dr. Olivia
The Carbajal ladies dancing it up, on the stage

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Since me and Jessie have birthdays within weeks of each other, we thought that there would be no better way to ring in the BIG 30 ... then to run a 1/2 marathon together.  She came out for the Bolder Boulder in May, and so it was my turn to go to her in L.A.  

Being the runner that I am (sarcasm, lots and lots of sarcasm), I had myself on a really good 12 week training program.  It didn't seem too bad for the first little while.  I was feeling really good and able to keep a good pace for myself.  I was getting pretty confident, that I was going to be able to pull this baby off.  That is, until I hit about the halfway point.  All heck broke loose after that.  Not only did I come down with a nasty cold that should have required antibiotics, but I also found out that I was no longer training for one ... but two.  Between the side affects of a cold and not being able to take anything for it and feeling nauseated, I was about ready to throw in the towel.  But with lots of crying, and a hubby making fun of me ... I had no choice but to prove to him that I wasn't a sissy.  So, with the Dr's consent ... I pushed on. 

Here's the proof.  Me and Jess at the finish line

We had one crazy morning, the morning of the race. It included a flat tire, a AAA guy who didn't know how to read directions on how to get down the spare, and one really non morning bee-och (yep that was me).  By the time we got rolling again on the almost flat doughnut tire ... we barely had time to drive to the start, run to the restrooms, and start our leg.  If you thought it was all smooth sailing from there ... boy were you wrong.  We had barely reached the 1 mile marker, when some girl decided to cut all the way over from one side to the next to throw away some garbage and tripped me.  Still being in Bee-och mode, the girl was lucky I didn't sock her one. All in all, me and Jess survived that morning, and did lots of laughing about it all later.

 I don't know if I would necessarily recommend training for a 1/2 marathon while pregnant, but I am really happy that I did it and am actually planning on doing another.  That is, sometime after the little man is born!

Tres The Action

Since Halloween fell on a Sunday this year, that meant that the state of Utah would be doing their celebrating on Saturday.  So the plan was to make a super quick trip to do some trick-or-treating with little cuz on Saturday, and then head back to Colorado for some trick-or-treating with daddy-o, Sunday night.  I know what you are thinking ... holy candy ... and you are so right, but the best part was that we got to spend Halloween with lots of people!

Gma and the party goers
Friday, was the day that me and the ladies packed up the car and headed to Utah.  As soon as we got to Gma's and Gpa's, we were welcomed with yummy homemade doughnuts.  What a way to start off the weekend, right?  They were absolutely delish, but the healthy eating quickly spiraled downhill from there ha!  After Aunt Cam and little cuz got to the house, we packed the kids up and headed to Uncle Jer's work for some trick-or-treating.  By the way Uncle Jer ... we hope that you had a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Since our buckets were pretty much filled at Uncle Jer's work and it was raining outside, we decided that we would dress up and take the kids to a few houses around my parent's neighborhood,  and then hit Gpa Scott and Gma Jan's (Cameron's parents) and the great grandparents.   All I have to say Cameron, is you and I make some HOT witches:)!

Scary, aren't we

Early Sunday morning, me and the ladies packed up the car once again and headed back to Colorado. We made it back in just the right amount of time to relax and then go do a little trick-or treating with Chiki.

The crew carving pumpkins

We experienced some crazy weather this year.  Rain and coats in Utah (honestly cannot remember it ever raining on Halloween), to not even having to wear jacket in Colorado.  But rain, snow, wind, sun ... we had a great Halloween this year.  Thanks for letting us spend it with you all you Utah folk, and seriously if you just happen to run out of candy within the near future ... stop by because we have candy coming out of our ears!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mucho Famillia

My parent's had been planning on coming out for the Bananer's birthday for awhile, as for the Cam's and little cuz ... that was a complete surprise.  And let's just put it this way, it was a GREAT surprise!  

Since this might be their final trip out here in the fall, we decided to take one last trip up to Estes Park.   Out of all the places I will miss the most in Colorado, it will be this place :(  We have had an annual pass for a few years now, and just absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE it up there. 

Here is a pic of the crew (minus Chiki who was working.  We missed the goofball)

Hanging out in the back of the truck during one of the pit stops

 The chillings at Bear Lake.  They loved this place, and walked around the entire lake!
 This trip through Rocky Mountain Park, was pretty entertaining.  For those of you who have been to Yellowstone/Jackson Hole area, know how ridiculous people can be when their is a possible sighting of an animal ... no matter the animal.  Although I did get to see my first bear in the wild, you can only get that oohing and awing feeling over the first 100 elk, deer, rams ... I think you get the picture.   Anyhow, I swear the next time we visit the park, I am going to just have Chiki pull over and we can all make a fuss over a tree just to see how many people will practically run off the road and make a complete idiot out of themselves just to see what we are looking at.  Don't believe me ... I might just have to make a video to prove the circus that occurs.

The famillia was out here for a few days, and so we decided to also do a little mini golf.  This time, Chiki was able to go with.  We had tons of fun, and it was great because the mini golf area was pretty much vacant, so we got to take our sweet time.

I am pretty sure that little Austin, did better then me.  He loved mini golf
 Hm mm ... who the heck taught this imbecile to golf :)
 Maybe this guy?? (possible answer to the question above ha ha)

Some more highlights:

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hannah Turns 6!

On October 5th, the oldest of my little ladies turned 6!  Can you believe it ... Miss Thing is now 6!!

She had such a great day.  It all started out, with her being able to wear her outfit that Gpa & Gma let her pick out all by her lonesome.  I have quite the shopper on my hands, and she new exactly what she wanted to get.  After getting all beautified for the day (thanks to Aunt Cameron), she got to take treats to school and celebrate with her friends.  Here is a picture of her sporting her birthday accessories, she picked up at school:

 After school, we let the birthday partying begin.  Here she is at the opening of presents.  I am so mean and made her wait until later afternoon, so all the party goers could be there and watch. 
 After presents ... it was mani and pedi time.  My little lady likes to be pampered, and so I thought it would be fun to get some birthday beautifying done
 Hannah's dinner of choice was at Dave & Busters.  Well I guess I should say her option was Dave & Busters ha ha.  If it would have been up to her, we would have ended up at good' ol Chuckee Cheese.  So we didn't really let her choose, but she still got to get in some game playing (me & Chiki can be so mean).  A good time was had by all!
 Now onto the cake.  Hannah wanted a Halloween themed birthday, and so this is the cake I came up with.  I must say .... much improvement has been made since last year's barbie cake flop.  She absolutely loved it, and in my books ... that is all that matters!
My Hannah Banana has really blossomed into a self-sufficient, beautiful person.  And although she really knows how to flaunt the sass these days ... not a day goes by that I am not thankful she was brought into my life!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Just Dance

Olivia has had a lot of firsts this week.   Tuesday was her first day of preschool, and today was her first day of dance.  This poor little lady has been dying to start both, ever since she could comprehend all the things that her big sister was doing.   In other words, there was no shying away or shedding of tears on her part when it came to me leaving.  Liv, just jumped right into each activity like she was an old pro.  I am so excited for her, and can't wait to see her progress throughout the year, in both!

Here she is ... Little Miss Dancing Queen herself.  This little girl definitely knows how to move!

Here are the ladies are warming up.  Yep, that's right ... I said "ladies."  Hannah was so excited because Miss Jodi asked her to help with the class since she is an "old pro."  Afterwards, Hannah told me that today was the best day ever because she got to help teach dance.

Just wait people ... I am sure there will be many more pictures to come of these two dancing queens!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Miss Liv Starts School

Olivia has officially started school, at the big P.  Preschool that is.  Since Hannah started 3 weeks ago, she has been very anxious to start for herself, and finally today was her day.  Olivia jumped right out of bed and was willing to eat breakfast and get ready, faster then I have ever seen her move.  Seriously ... it was truly amazing!

Liv the little ham

We were excited to find out that Miss Amanda, was going to be one of her teachers.  We have had play dates with her and her kiddos
Olivia posing with her other teacher ... Miss Kara

Me and Olivia have dropped Hannah off and picked her up, at this place for 2 years.  She has had her eyes on all the toys since day one.  So, I wasn't at all surprised that as soon as we walked through the door ... I was completely forgotten about.  

Although, my baby is growing up so fast ... I am excited to watch her blossom throughout this  upcoming year!

Officially A College Student

It's official people .... Chiki can finally say that he is a TRUE college student.  After many years of coaxing, he finally got us tickets to the big CU vs. CSU game. And of course, it was a great game because CU won. 

P.S.  All I have to say about that is ... since joining the pack 10 ... all you Oregon State Beaver fans (you know who you) ... you wood chucking mammals are going down.  

Mr. College Boy himself

Wait ... where's Waldo?  I really don't see him??

Time With The Rivera's

Right before my quick trip to Utah last weekend, we got the chance to meet up with these great people:

Yep, that's right ... it's the Rivera's.  Since they moved to San Padre, Texas, we don't get that many chances to see them :(  They all looked great, and it was a lot of fun catching up with them!

The ladies got to party it up at the Rivera's hotel pool

The ladies LOVE being around Laura

You TRUE Coloradoan's come back soon.  Colorado misses you!